Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días

Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días

Nivel físico
Estilo del Tour
Altitud máxima
Tamaño de Grupo
Mínimo 2 personas
5 días
Precio Desde
$ 795.00
por persona

5 Días Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu

Disfruta de este pequeño paquete de cinco días, donde disfrutaremos de la cultura Inca visitando la antigua capital de la ciudad Inca, el hermoso Valle Sagrado de los Incas, Machu Picchu (Ciudad Perdida de los Incas).

Mapa del tour: Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días
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Lima Cusco, Machu Picchu 5 Días

5 días desde US $ 795.00


DIA 1: :

Recepcion en Lima - Tour en Lima

AM Recojo del aeropuerto de Lima y traslado al hotel.

Por la tarde city tour en lima, por aproximadamente 06 horas y visitaremos los atractivos mas importantes de la ciudad como la plaza de armas de lima, palacio de gobierno walking tour de la zona, visita guiada a la catedral san francisco visita a la plaza de armas y ocasionalmente degustacion de pisco sours en el hotel bolivar, visita guiada al museo de historia y antropologia de miraflores luego huaca pucllana para finalizar en el parque del amor.

Noche de hotel en Lima.

AM abordar el vuelo LIMA – CUSCO (01 hora 15 min de viaje).

AM Recepción y traslado al hotel donde recibirá un aromático mate de coca para favorecer la estatura, mañana tendrá tiempo libre para descansar y también le sugerimos un almuerzo ligero, ya sea en su hotel o en alguno de los restaurantes de los alrededores.

2:00 PM Comenzaremos con la visita al Koricancha (Templo del Sol) y luego realizaremos un recorrido bordeando centros arqueológicos como la Fortaleza de Sacsayhuaman, Q’enko, Puka Pukara y Tambomachay (Baños del Inca), el tour finaliza aproximadamente a las 18:30 hrs.

Noche de hotel en Cusco.

8:30 AM Recojo del hotel, este tour es una visita de día completo al impresionante Valle Sagrado, que abarca la visita de sitios arqueológicos como Pisac, Ollantaytambo.

Pisaq (sitio arqueológico) para apreciar los grandes edificios como el palacio imperial y sus terrazas.

El mercado de Pisac, donde nos detendremos y usted tendrá la oportunidad de explorar y comprar grandes recuerdos y tomar fotos, continuando el Almuerzo en Urubamba parte del Valle Sagrado.

Fortaleza y Ciudadela Inca de Ollantaytambo: construida para vigilar la entrada a esta parte del valle y protegerla de posibles invasiones de las tribus de la selva baja. La fortaleza consiste en una serie de terrazas de piedra tallada a las que hay que subir largas escaleras.

Chinchero: llamativo inicialmente por sus andenes, lo que permite entender que fue un centro de producción agrícola en la época incaica, también se construyó un almacén y se dotó a todo el complejo de un sistema de riego muy eficiente, en los talleres de las asociaciones de artesanas se expone diariamente todo el proceso del tejido desde el lavado de la lana hasta el producto terminado, se aprende las técnicas de hilado, teñido y tejido.

El tour termina aproximadamente a las 7:00 pm en Cusco.

Noche de hotel en Cusco.

AM pasar por su hotel 30 minutos antes de la salida programada de Cusco, lo llevaremos a la estación ubicada en el poblado de Ollantaytambo (a 1 hora 30 minutos en auto) donde abordaremos nuestro tren para luego realizar nuestro viaje con destino al poblado de “Aguas Calientes” (2000 m) el cual tomará  2 horas.

Al llegar al pequeño poblado de Aguas Calientes, le espera un traslado para llevarlo a la estación de bus con dirección al “Machu Picchu” (solo 20 minutos) para realizar una visita guiada a los profesionales de este Santuario Histórico visitando el templo de las tres ventanas, el reloj solar, entre otros, luego tendremos tiempo libre para explorar nuevamente los sectores más importantes del sitio arqueológico de Machu Picchu.

Finalmente tomaremos el autobús de vuelta a Agua Caliente.

A la hora prevista 4:12 p.m. abordaremos el tren de regreso a Ollantaytambo donde nos espera el bus que nos traerá de regreso al Hotel Cusco.

Noche de hotel en Cusco.

A hora oportuna lo recogeremos del hotel y lo trasladaremos al aeropuerto para su vuelo de regreso a Lima.

Fin de los servicios.


  • Recogida en el aeropuerto de Lima y traslado al hotel.
  • Ciudad Lima (transporte, guía, entradas).
  • Hotel 01 noche en Lima 3***
  • Vuelos Lima – Cusco – Lima.
  • Traslados terminal AIR / HTL / AIR Terminal Cusco.
  • Excursión: City Tour (transporte, guía, entradas).
  • Excursión: Valle Sagrado (transporte, guía, entradas).
  • Ticket turístico (ingreso city tour, Valle Sagrado, y todos los atractivos mencionados en el itinerario).
  • Excursión a Machu Picchu.
  • Transporte Cusco – Ollanta (estación de tren) – Cusco.
  • Tren de ida y vuelta Ollanta – Aguas Calientes – ollanta.
  • Bus de subida y bajada Aguas Calientes – Machu Picchu.
  • Guía oficial.
  • Entrada a Machu Picchu.
  • 03 noches de hotel en Cusco 3***
  • Comida almuerzo y cena.
  • Entrada a Waynapicchu ($ 60 dólares Opcional)
  • Ascenso a tren de clase Vistadome ($50 usd)


“MACHUPICCHU PERU TRAVEL” is a 100% Peruvian local company and tour operator in Cusco, with many years of experience in hikes, adventure tours, and travel packages. We are a 100% local company.

Our dream as a local company is to offer personalized travel and hiking experiences, operated solely by local professional staff, focusing on a PERSONALIZED and HIGH-QUALITY SERVICE.

We are proud of our reputation as a travel operating agency, in addition to practicing RESPONSIBLE and SUSTAINABLE actions with the environment and local people.

We consider our staff as family and guarantee them a fair salary. We are very proud of our team! Without their support, we could not offer the quality of service that hundreds of our travelers have enjoyed.

At “MACHUPICCHU PERU TRAVEL,” we are aware that our reputation and what our passengers say are crucial for our travelers to trust their next vacations; you can check the reviews our travelers leave on TripAdvisor, Facebook, and Google; in an honest and reliable operator to create your adventure in Peru.

We offer small groups of travelers.

To offer a more personalized service at “MACHUPICCHU PERU TRAVEL,” we maintain a limit of 8 people for each of our groups. This distinguishes us from other companies that operate with larger groups.

About our tour guides

We are very proud of our guides. They are experts and professionals, fluent in English. They are experts and knowledgeable about the routes, and they are passionate about Inca heritage and history. Our guides are dedicated to their continuous personal and professional development, researching to offer you accurate and recognized theories about Inca and Andean culture. They are friendly, athletic, and well-educated, with degrees in Archaeology, Tourism, Botany, History, or Anthropology.

About our treatment of Inca Trail porters

Hiking with “MACHUPICCHU PERU TRAVEL” is an uplifting experience, we prioritize your comfort and enjoyment throughout the hike, and you will have the assistance of our porters. You will interact with local people, explore incredible sites, and rediscover ancient Inca ancestral towns. Our porters carry your gear, prepare your meals, set up our camp tents, and take care of you while you relax.

We provide our porters for free with: jackets, sun hats, warm hats, shirts, pants, hiking boots, comfortable travel bags, canteens, back support belts, sleeping bags, mattresses, and travel insurance. All are hired from isolated communities, improving their economic circumstances and supporting the education of their children. We treat all our porters like family!

Our team

Our team (guides, cooks, porters, muleteers) and our equipment make “MACHUPICCHU PERU TRAVEL” stand out among our competitors. On our adventure hikes, we include:

  • Our tents: Enjoy a good rest in our 4-season EUREKA Timberline tents. Our tents are for 4 people, but only 2 sleep in each, providing space for greater comfort and storage. They have a small vestibule for boots and poles.
  • Our foam mats: Separate and insulate from the ground.
  • Air mattresses: Available for rent for $20 USD.
  • Kitchen and dining tents: Used as a meeting room during meals, ideal for relaxing and chatting.
  • Tables and chairs: In the dining area, adapted to the day’s weather.
  • Travel bags: Provided the night before the trek.
  • Others: Pillows, rain covers for backpacks, survival shirts, and chemical toilets are provided during the trek.

Our commitment to social projection

At “MACHUPICCHU PERU TRAVEL,” we have always believed in giving back to isolated local communities. As part of our commitment to responsible tourism, we carry out various social projects and always hire local people.

We are very proud to support our local people. We not only employ them but also support their families, contributing to a holistic approach with our employees from the Peruvian Andes and their loved ones.


$ 795.00 USD

(Disfrute de este servicio con un grupo de 10-15 personas de diferentes países)

Based on 252 reviews
Patrick W
Patrick W
Best Day Ever What an incredible experience! The whole day was carefully planned out for us and it all was well above anything we could have imagined! Our driver was amazing, very professional and helpful, the train provided views that were breathtaking and our Guide “Willie” was the best! Willie took us on the most incredible tour, he knew all the right places for pictures, his knowledge was amazing and he answered all of our questions and more. He provided a full day experience that was nothing short of perfection. This is the only way to go and see this; we’re definitely coming back!
Orlando A
Orlando A
The excellent coordination, the attention Liz, our guide, very knowledgeable and attentive to our impressions Unique Experience, The best way to Visit this Wonder. Highly recommended. From reservation with Tania, guide Liz, to the driver. To play it safe.
Mary C
Mary C
A perfect tour The tour was very good, Tania's attention was to detail, everything we needed for the tour was provided on time. I thank you very much because we took with us a very nice memory of Cusco.
Nikos S
Nikos S
BEST EXPERIENCE IN PERU We made the Secret Valley, Machu Picchu and the rainbow mountain tours. Everything were excellent and very organised. Tania is very professional and any time available for information or questions. Also the prices are the best. I recommend for anyone who visit Peru to arrange the tours with this office.
ilias p
ilias p
Amazing experience, amazing tour guide It was one of the best experiences in our lives. We strongly recommend that anyone of moderate fitness and above to try it. It is good to have a pair of hiking shoes to make the experience better. Our guide (Willy) was amazing, he helped us a lot with the trail, he was well prepared and we didn't feel any risk at any moment. Also, he was very explanatory about inkas history and the monuments we saw during the trail. The quality of this experience is very related to the tour guide you will select. This guy was one of the best tour guides we had so far. There is no comparison to the other guides we had. We strongly recommend this experience with this guide. PS#1: bring a second t-shirt with you to change before you take the traditional photos of Machupicchu. Ps#2: Willy is a very good photographer, and gave guidance about the best place to take photos.
Cesar V
Cesar V
The tour revived history for us as we experienced the amazing locations we visited. I couldn’t have asked for a better tour. Gary Neslon is a positive and well educated local that has so much knowledge to share. We didn’t feel rushed or pressured at any time and the whole experience was one of a kind.
Nathan R
Nathan R
Unforgettable experience in Machu Picchu. Willy is amazing. Willy is a great tour guide who is knowledgeable and very good at giving detailed explanations and excellent photo opportunities. He never rushed us and gave us the appropriate times needed to have a wonderful experience in Machu Picchu. Would recommend him to anyone.
Something unique that is difficult to describe with words, the emotions I felt It was an organization predicted down to the smallest detail. The guides were fantastic for explanations and patience. The hotels chosen were perfect but above all the places visited were truly well preserved and above all magical
Jorge A
Jorge A
A first class ride. Very nice, we enjoyed it, the excellent treatment, I recommend it. It is recommended to enjoy with the family. Very good vacation

Consultar Ahora

¿Listo para explorar? Una vez confirmada su reserva, sólo le queda hacer las maletas y prepararse para explorar. Si usted es un viajero experimentado o se embarca en su primer viaje, estaremos con usted en cada paso del camino. En Machu Picchu Peru Travel, creemos que cada viaje comienza con un solo paso. ¿Por qué esperar? Comience su aventura hoy y deje que el mundo sea su guía.

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La experiencia de viajar a Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu Peru Travel son las personas las que marcan la diferencia. Nuestros expertos en viajes elaboran el viaje perfecto para cada viajero a través de nuestro galardonado servicio de atención al cliente. Personas reales ayudando a personas reales. A su lado en cada paso del camino.

Por qué elegir Machu Picchu Perú Travel

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Cuzco, la antigua capital del Imperio Inca, es uno de los destinos más populares de Sudamérica para realizar excursiones de aventura.

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Guías locales de Perú

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Los Mejores Tours

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