Inti Raymi Cusco Sun Fest 2024

Inti Raymi Cusco Sun Fest 2024

Inti Raymi Sun Fest Cusco Peru 2024

Inti Raymi is indeed a significant festival in Cusco, Peru, and it’s one of the most important cultural celebrations in the country. The term “Inti Raymi” comes from the Quechua language, meaning “Festival of the Sun” It’s a ceremony that honors the Incan sun god, Inti.

The Inti Raymi festival takes place annually on June 24th, coinciding with the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. The celebration includes various rituals, dances, music, and reenactments of ancient Incan ceremonies. It attracts both locals and tourists alike, drawing large crowds to Cusco.

During Inti Raymi, participants dress in traditional Incan clothing, and the central event typically takes place at the Sacsayhuamán archaeological site located just outside of Cusco. The ceremony involves offerings to the sun god and blessings for the upcoming agricultural season.

History of Inty raymi 2024

Los orígenes del Inti Raymi se remontan al período Inca cuando Manco Cápac se instaló en el valle del Cusco alrededor del siglo XII. Aunque se considera en gran medida una leyenda, se cree que los incas honraban al Sol con ofrendas y sacrificios de llamas. Con el tiempo, esta práctica evolucionó hasta convertirse en la fiesta del Inti Raymi documentada por los cronistas Guamán Poma de Ayala y el Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.

En 1430 d.C., el emperador Pachacútec reestructuró el Inti Raymi, elevándolo a la ceremonia religiosa principal del Tahuantinsuyo. Las crónicas lo describen como un gran ritual dirigido por el Inca y el sacerdote de sumo, que involucraba ofrendas de tierra, cientos de sacrificios de llamas, chicha, hojas de coca y piedras preciosas. El antiguo Inti Raymi era mucho más elaborado y solemne en comparación con la versión moderna.

El Inti Raymi original duró varios días, del 20 al 26 de junio, con extensos preparativos. Los participantes ayunaron durante los días antes de la ceremonia principal en el Coricancha, el templo del sol. Durante el festival, se alimentó a la población del Cusco y los incas celebraron los éxitos militares, mostrando el poder del imperio a los caciques y representantes de las regiones conquistadas.

Para los Incas, el Inti Raymi simbolizaba el renacimiento del sol y el inicio de un nuevo ciclo anual, coincidiendo con la época de cosecha y prometiendo prosperidad. Como parte de las festividades, las momias de los antiguos gobernantes desfilaron por el Cusco.

La fiesta continuó anualmente hasta la llegada de los españoles en el siglo XVI, quienes la suprimieron durante más de cinco siglos, castigando cualquier exhibición de prácticas religiosas incas como paganismo.

El Inti Raymi fue revivido en junio de 1944, de la mano del actor Faustino Espinoza Navarro, quien interpretó el papel del Inca. Utilizando como guía las crónicas históricas, los cusqueños pretendían honrar su herencia inca y revivir esta tradición ancestral.

Poco a poco, el Inti Raymi fue ganando reconocimiento internacional. Hoy en día, es un evento cultural importante en Perú, siendo el 24 de junio un feriado no laborable en la región andina. El festival atrae alrededor de 10.000 visitantes a Cusco cada año y celebra una de las manifestaciones culturales más importantes del Perú.

Inti Raymi 2024 Location

El Inti Raymi se celebra en Cusco, la capital histórica del imperio Inca (Tahuantinsuyo). Esta ‘ciudad sagrada’ albergó la importante fiesta religiosa durante la época inca.

Las presentaciones del festival se llevan a cabo en tres lugares principales, muy parecidos al Inca Inti Raymi original como se describe en las crónicas del siglo XVI: el Coricancha, la Plaza Principal de Cusco y la fortaleza de Sacsayhuaman.

Además, toda la ciudad, especialmente el centro histórico, está repleta de festividades. Las calles se llenan de festivales gastronómicos, ferias artesanales y celebraciones vibrantes en cada esquina.

Inti Raymi is not only a celebration of Incan heritage but also an important cultural event that helps preserve and showcase Peru’s rich history and traditions. It’s a vibrant and colorful festival that offers visitors a glimpse into the cultural legacy of the Andean region.

  1. If you’re interested in experiencing the Inti Raymi festival in Cusco, Peru, there are several ways to arrange a tour to participate in the celebration. Here’s a general outline of how you can plan your Inti Raymi tour:
  2. Start by researching tour companies that offer Inti Raymi tours in Cusco. Look for reputable companies with positive reviews and experiences.
  3. Check the availability on the Qoricancha place or Sacsayhuaman fortress.
  4. Decide on the type of tour experience you prefer, whether it’s a group tour, private tour, or a combination of different activities.
  5. Consider factors such as duration, itinerary, cost, and inclusions (accommodation, meals, transportation, etc.)

The Three stages where Inti Raymi takes place

The Inti Raymi takes place on June 24 in three historical settings for the Incas and the people of Cusco:

1.- Inti Raymi 2024 in Coricancha

The Inti Raymi show at the Coricancha temple is the first, the one that begins the festival of the sun. The show starts at 9:00 a.m. and lasts approximately 45 minutes. The stage is located on the Coricancha esplanade.

The audience is located on Avenida del Sol and its surrounding streets with a view of the stage.

That is, the event is free for the entire public.

Only a few visitors who purchase their tickets online will be able to access the nearly 200 seats available.

The show has around three hundred actors and actresses, who play the Inca, his wife, the auqui, the virgins of the sun, and more. The show features live music and soprano vocals. The drama tells the story of the sun’s permission to start the Inti Raymi in its main temple (the temple of the sun).

2 .- Inti Raymi 2024 in the Main Plaza of Cusco

The Inti Raymi show in the Main Plaza of Cusco is the second, the one that brings together many people in the streets surrounding the ancient Inca Huacaypata.

The stage is the entire plaza and its main pool where a platform is organized for the Inca to direct the coca leaf ceremony. The public is in the square, in the streets and on the balconies of restaurants and bars with preferential views. The event is also free to the public. There is no seating, just the public spaces that look crowded three or four hours before the show.

The show also has three hundred actors and actresses who perform the ceremony in honor of the sun. The Inca and his wife the coya parade through the square to the joy of the spectators. The show starts at 11:00 am and has an average duration of 45 minutes.

3 .- Inti Raymi 2024 in Sacsayhuaman

The Inti Raymi show in Sacsayhuaman is the third, last and most important show in honor of the sun. The show starts at 2:00 p.m. and has an average duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes. The stage is in the center of the esplanade with the gigantic Inca stone walls in the background. Only people who have purchased a ticket online months in advance are admitted to this show.

There is seating for about 3,500 people. Only some people, if they do so several hours before, can watch the show from a hill behind the spectators. This show features around 500 actors and actresses, a live band and soprano singers.

The show is in Quechua, the language of the Incas, and shows the Inca leading the fire ceremony, the offering of a black flame (simulation) and dance offerings by the members of the four suos or regions. The sun god predicts prosperity for the Tahuantinsuyo empire to the joy of all. At the end, attendees will be able to enter to take photos with the actors and actresses.

Seats available for the Inti ralymi 2024

The main event of Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuamán has three categories of seats for spectators:

Red Tribune in Sacsayhuamán

The corresponding ticket in the red grandstand is the most in demand because it offers shade compared to the other grandstands. These seats are located on the west side of the main platform on the Sacsayhuamán esplanade and have a capacity for about 800 people. They provide a close and side view of the stage. It is the most expensive ticket, and it is recommended to purchase it online 2 or 3 months in advance to ensure availability. This type of seat is ideal for the entire family, including children and seniors.

Orange Grandstand in Sacsayhuamán

The orange grandstand ticket is very popular with visitors because it offers around 2,500 seats and provides a central and complete view of the show. These seats are located north of the main stage and do not have protection from the sun. It is also one of the most expensive tickets, and it is advisable to purchase it online one or two months in advance due to high demand. It is recommended to bring a cap, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and water to stay hydrated.

Green Tribune in Sacsayhuamán

The ticket for the green tribune is the cheapest and offers discounts for Peruvian citizens. This section has capacity for about 700 people and is located on the east side of the main stage, providing close views, especially during the entrance of the actors, including the Inca and his wife, Coya.

These seats do not have protection from the sun, so we advise you to bring a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, water and snacks. Tickets can be purchased online a month or two in advance, but availability is limited, especially for Peruvian visitors looking to take advantage of special discounts.

What to Bring to Inti raymi 2024

  • Sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun’s rays.
  • Wear comfortable clothing for greater mobility.
  • Bring drinks and fruits to keep the body hydrated and energized.
  • Buy tickets to enjoy this unforgettable celebration.
  • Mosquito repellent.


  • Arrive in Cusco a few days before the Inti Raymi festival to acclimate to the altitude and explore the city.
  • Meet with your tour guide or representative to receive a briefing on the upcoming festivities and any last-minute updates or changes to the itinerary

Frequently Asked Questions Inti Raymi 2024

Is Inti Raymi celebrated in Machu Picchu?

No, Inti Raymi is not celebrated in Machu Picchu. This celebration takes place in the city of Cusco and its surroundings, mainly in the archaeological complex of Saqsayhuaman.

What time does Inti Raymi start at Qoricancha?

Typically, the Inti Raymi on the first stage of the Qoricancha begins at 9 am and lasts approximately 20 or 30 minutes. It is important to keep in mind that these schedules may vary depending on the provisions of EMUFEC and the event organizers, so it is advisable to pay attention to the official information to know the exact schedules of Inti Raymi.

What time does the second stage of Inti Raymi start?

The second stage of the Inti Raymi usually begins around 10 am and lasts approximately 30 to 40 minutes. In this setting, a theatrical representation of the arrival of the Incas to Cusco and the worship of the sun takes place. The stage takes place in the Main Plaza of Cusco and is a free event open to the general public. It is important to arrive early to ensure a good spot to observe the celebration.

What time does Inti Raymi start and how long does it last in Saqsayhuaman?

The Inti Raymi in Saqsayhuaman generally starts from 1 pm and lasts a maximum of 2 hours. During this scenario, the main Inti Raymi ceremony takes place, which includes the offering to the sun and the performance of rituals and dances by the participants. It is important to keep in mind that access to this stage requires prior purchase of tickets and that the number of spectators is limited due to the capacity of the venue.

Is it advisable to travel to Cusco, Peru to see Inti Raymi 2024?

Definitely yes! The Inti Raymi is a unique and spectacular celebration that you cannot miss. It is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture and history of Peru, and witness one of the most important celebrations in the Andean region. In addition, Cusco is a city full of history, beauty and charm, with a wide variety of tourist places to visit. We invite you to plan your trip in advance to fully enjoy the Inti Raymi experience and everything Cusco has to offer.

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